Monday, 12 March 2012

Ok. We will TRY

Seeing as the year is drawing to a close, and I feel REALLY bad about having to ditch the project due to all the legal bollocks, I may just have to try get in some last minute updates.

Essentially, IF I get home early enough tonight, etc, I will do my very fucking best to get the exercises we have remaining done.

No promises, but I will do my very best to try wrap the years Wiley up on a good note...

Unless, of course, the men in black arrive early...

~infodox (Wileyless package mantainer)

Thursday, 8 March 2012


Explaination as to why WileyLess has not been updated...

Well, one of the current developers (infodox) got a shitload of legal trouble.

Therefore he has not had time to handle updates, etc...

 Regards, and apologies for inconvenience caused,
The Developers.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012


This weeks is gonna need a revamp, feckers changed some of the questions.

Oh well, time to open up some books and redo some .js calculators!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Facebook App Goes Live!

So, the time has come... Facebook App is ALIVE!!! :D

WileyLess Facebook Application

Was delayed last night, as the only internet where I live sounds like this...

Monday, 6 February 2012

FaceBook Apps and Annoyance

Ok, so as you can see below we have not *yet* migrated to a Facebook App. Only because the app engine was being a bollocks and our server does not *yet* have a valid SSL certificate, and Facebook REQUIRES a valid SSL Cert.

Maybe later on we could get a SSL Cert, but they cost 200 euros a pop and to be honest are a waste of money - they add bugger all security, as shown over at Infodox's Blog.

So for now the mirrors should work fine until we work on a compromise :)

We Has Twatter!

Ok, so we went and got us a Twitter!

Follow us at @WileyLess :D

Wiley Less: It Is Back!!

Hey there! We are back and possibly even more awesome than ever with Wiley Less 2 being now online :D

Just uploading some Java applets and such, making the Twitter account (where updates will be posted!) and the Facebook Account should be online as of tomorrow (Launch Day!)

WileyLESS Will be FULLY ONLINE from TOMORROW, Tuesday 7th February 2012.

So far we are working on the Facebook App issue, could take a few days to reactivate the API keys.

Mirrors List: